Monday, May 5, 2008



The Harlem Renaissance is like the Civil Rights Movement in many ways. Here are some of the similarities I have picked:

1. Both involve the black community overcoming a social obstacle, whether it was making a new
identity or fighting for equality.
2. Both periods began through the problems of racism in the South. The racism before the
Harlem Renaissance caused the Great Migration North and the racism before Civil Rights
began the movement.
3. Through their freedom to express themselves as a people, many riots and fights occurred with
those that opposed them.


There were also many differences between the two periods. Here are the major differences:

1. The Harlem Renaissance took place in the north, mostly near Harlem, and the Civil Rights
Movement took place in the south.
2. The Harlem Renaissance was a time period that encouraged the finding of one's identity
and embracing one's culture, whereas the Civil Rights was period that encouraged civil
disobedience and the fight to receive what one deserves.
3. The Harlem Renaissance also called for the black community to set themselves apart from everyone else and to stay as a close-net community, but the Civil Rights called for the opposite. It discouraged segregation from others and warranted for the blending of all communities.

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